Support the Impact 

Corporate Sponsorship

Foundation for Community Impact and Health Equity is working to improve health outcomes and eliminating health disparities. We strive to cultivate, true and genuine relationships with every organization supporting our cause. Organizations who wish to make a significant impact and assist us with furthering our mission, please email

Individual giving

Thank you for your interest in giving. You can further our impact by supporting the Foundation for Community Impact & Health Equity with a tax-deductible donation. Your gift will support our work, help enhance communities and sustain projects. Donate online with a one-time gift, a sustaining gift or a gift in honor or memory of a loved one using a credit card or PayPal account.


Your donation of time could make a world of difference in your community. We have a variety of social, volunteer and philanthropic opportunities for individuals, churches and groups. We are also open to businesses (pro bono, or skills-based volunteerism) to create a culture of community in engagement in South Carolina. please contact


Do you have an interest in working to improve the health of underrepresented populations, promoting health equity and eliminating health disparities? We can help you get the real-world experience, strategic skills and expertise to succeed in a competitive workforce. If you have any questions about internships with Foundation for Community Impact & Health Equity, please contact